Darren’s Masterwork

Hello there fans! My name, if you haven’t already guessed is Mister Darren Tam. I have had to spend several hours making this webpage using the horrible, horrible package known as word.

So you want to know a little about me?


Who am I ?

Age (years): 18

Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy): 13/07/81

Place of birth: Rochdale, Lancashire

Place of origin: Hong Kong


Hobbies and Interests

My main interest? The ideal answer would be computers, but the truth is that after taking this course at university on computer science, I feel as though I will see computers as a pain, as an annoying sidekick in my life that will not go away.

So what will I do with them, you may ask, apart from work with the annoying ‘Watsons’? Play games on them, of course!

Keigo Oyamada of Cornelius

Other interests in my life include music. I listen to many types of music, except heavy metal. A favourite band? I would have to go for Cornelius, who is not strictly a band, since for most of the time, it is only one man – Keigo Oyamada (he sometimes calls upon his friends to come in and help out with extra samples). As you might have guessed from the name, he is Japanese. I have no idea why, but his music, although strange, is... strangely compelling, shall I say? Click on his image above to visit his website.


University ?

The University of Manchester logo


If for some unknown reason you want to visit the Manchester University web site - click on their logo above.

The courses I take are as follows:

CS1011 – Introduction to computer systems

CS1021 – Discrete maths

CS1031 – Fundamentals of computer architecture

CS1041 – Introduction to programming (this year I am learning SML)

CS1211 – Introduction to computer hardware

CS1311 – Applications and user interfaces

Click on the course titles themselves for more information.

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